
Thursday, January 8, 2009

After seven should not eat


1) Do not Smoking - Research from experts proves that smoking a rokoksetelah eat together with smoking 10 cigarettes (most likely fell ill kankerlebih)
2) Do not live to eat fruits - Jump eating fruits after meals will cause stomach dipenuhidenganudara. To eat the fruits 1-2 hours after meals or 1 meal jamsebelum
3) Do not drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high acid contents. iniakan cause the uterus to the fetus protein food we have to konsumsisulit digested.
4) Do not mengendorkan ligament pinggangmu - Mengendorkan belt after eating will cause intestinal terbelitdan terblokir.
5) Do not Bathroom - Bathroom will menaikan flow of blood to the hands, feet and body yangmenyebabkan amount of blood around the stomach will continue to be reduced. This iniakan weaken the digestive system in our stomach.
6) Do not Walk-way - people often say that running a few steps setelahmakan will extend the age. In fact this is not benar.Berjalan will cause the digestive system can not afford menyerab nutrisidari we have food to eat.
7) Do not sleep directly - food that we eat can not be digested well. This akanmenyebabkan intestinal inflammation and experience kembung. (sigitpras31/aktivis kaskus)

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